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Writer's pictureKendra Williams

My Gluten Detection Dog Saved Me: What happened when my gluten detection dog detected hidden gluten in my prescription medicine?

Banner with the text: Gluten Detection Dog Saves Me from gluten in prescription Medicine.  3 pictures of a black gluten detection dog sniffing some medicine

As often is the case when you have a chronic illness, you don't feel well. I had reached my tipping point of being sick, and I finally went to the doctor to get medicine. I made sure to let her know about my celiac disease and my need for gluten-free medicine. Did you know that 93% of medications contain some allergen, dye or gluten? She checked the ingredients and sent the prescription to my pharmacy.

Gluten detection dog checks my medicine

gluten detection dog checking my medication for gluten.  She is sitting a raising a paw.  Person standing is holding a small bowl will capsules inside.  She is looking down on the black dog.
Suki alerting to gluten in medicine

I went to pick the prescription up without my gluten-detection dog. The pharmacy won't take back medication if it has been purchased, and if my dog alerts to the medicine, I need to check it outside of the bottle as well. It is much easier for her to check the medications at home.

Out of 3 medications, she alerted to gluten in 2 of them. I went back to the pharmacy to get help and they told me they could not help. You can watch Suki checking the medicine and my interaction with the pharmacist at the YouTube Video: Gluten in Medicine.

Gluten in Medicine

In the United States, manufacturers are not required to label gluten or allergens in medicines. Having a gluten detection dog check my medicine has already saved me from sickness many times. That still doesn't help the process of selecting safe medicines. For this we need your support to pass the Adina Act for labeling gluten and other allergens in medicine.

How you can help

  1. Call or write your Congressional Representatives and ask them to co-sponsor the Adina Act for Allergen Disclosure in Non-Food Articles. Anyone can do this and we appreciate your action.

  2. Watch and share my videos on YouTube, Instagram or TikTok to raise awareness.

Ready to start training a gluten detection dog?

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