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Can I Train My Dog to Detect Gluten?

Find out if your dog is a good candidate for gluten detection training

Training a gluten detection dog is a 2 year process.  Because it is an investment of both time and money, it is a good idea to make sure the dog you are training is a good candidate for the training.  If you complete the free questionnaire below, we will analyze the data and tell you the best next steps.   If your dog is a good candidate, we will let you know how to proceed.

Is your dog a good candidate for gluten detection training?

How old is your dog?
Under 1 year
1 to 2 years
3 to 4 years
5 to 6 years
> 6 years
What size is your dog?
Small Breed
Medium Breed
Large Breed
Giant Breed
I got my dog
As a puppy from a breeder
As a puppy through adoption/rescue/shelter
As an adult through adoption/rescue/shelter
As an adult through a breeder
How is your dog with people, in general:
a. Loves them and can't get enough
b. A little shy and takes a while to warm up
c. Only wants to be around his/her own family
d. Terrified
How is your dog around other dogs, in general:
a. Has never met another dog s/he didn't like
b. Reserved but wants to play eventually
c. Barks at other dogs, but not aggressively
d. Reactive and lunges at other dogs
How is your dog on walks, in general:
a. Loves to see everyone
b. Just wants to meander and sniff
c. Reserved when meeting people or other dogs
d. Pulls, barks, reactive
How food motivated is your dog?
a. Will do anything for food
b. Will only eat certain treats
c. Won't take treats when excited or stressed
d. treat motivated but not food motivated
e. Really picky and it takes a lot for my dog to eat
Does your dog like to smell things in his/her environment?

While we review your information, you can also read about the key characteristics of a dog who is a good candidate for gluten detection training on our blog: Can I Train My Dog To Be a Gluten Detection Dog?

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